Tis the season to be freezing, tra-ala-lala-lala-laaaalalaaaaaaaaaa.....
What a day!...
Walked to walk, arrived looking like a fishfinger...just knew that the rectangular orange overcoat was a bad mistake....
A normal day at work....mad...
And then back home, only to find my normal 'Dad-chair' has a squatter in it, courtesy of a family reshuffling that was taken during my absence owing to the inconvenience of earning a is a temporary squatting situation due to a family member having a man-cold and laying flat on the sofa, creating a domino effect on the rest of the household....
The Dad-chair...a family tradition across the land, and to find those rights challenged is more than I can my disgust I ventured out in the shady darkness of the back garden, and set about my evening's build a secret snowman to surprise my daughter in the morning.....well, that was the excuse I told myself, but in reality I just wanted to make a snowman, giggling here....the darkness was necessary to build it undisturbed...and what a mistake that turned out to be....
The snowman quickly took shape, and after about half an hours graft a new shape formed in the darkness....a remarkable likeness I thought to the guy who works up at the newsagent shop, and I made a mental note to myself to check out the guys teeth the next time I visited his newspaper emporium, although asking him to bear his gums to see if they were actual small pebbles might seem a bit suspicious, especially if he has his scarf on with the tatty hat, and the shirt with the three huge buttons...not mentioning his long orange nose....
I digress....
After the snowman took shape, I scoured around for pebbles and was, as I say, dark, which was required for the subterfuge of surprise for the morning. I quickly found some pebbles, and a few choice twigs for the arms. I considered a manufacturing leafy eyebrows, and then to my delight I discovered a small nose like object that was a perfect snowman's nose shape...ok, no carrot, but certainly it would do the trick....
I carried my find back to the snowman and began poking into his face and body the various pebbles and twigs that I had found....a few minutes later I stood back to admire the scene and then a thought struck me...a photo!
Back to the house for my mobile, and one snap later I checked the print quality....and then, with the light of my mobile, I discovered with some horror that I had a small error in the choice of nasal appendages....when I say small, perhaps catastrophic would be nearer the truth...
I had stuck a'cat's offering' into the snowman's face where his nose should have been! disgusting is that?
For 'Frosty The Snowman' please read 'Catcrap Face'....
Hardly Christmassy.....
With a deft squeze with of one of the precious clothes pegs the offending material was expertly dropped over the neighbour's fence, together with the clothes peg still clutching it's prize.
Problem sorted...
A quick resnap of the mobile, and back to the light to check my results.
A snap that looks like some monster from the deep, the sort of thing you see on a Titanic deep water probe documentary....
At least the snowman smells better.
Laughing here.....
Hehe! Great story! I would have loved to have seen you out there in the dark, building this fine specimen. I really like idea of a cat-shit faced snowman. I'll have to see if my dog could provide a Jimmy Durante sized snozzle the next time it snows (which will probably be tomorrow). Love reading your stuff. Reclaim the chair.